Monday, September 22, 2014

What Do You See?

In some way all of us see the present. The key to successful living and growing a business is to be able see not just what is happening in the here and now, but the future consequences of what you are doing in the present.

Being able to see the future is critical to your welfare and success. If you are doing something today that is destroying your health you can stop doing it. Why do you stop? You stop because the future consequences of what you are doing today are not good.

Conversely, if you are doing something today that is good for you then you keep doing it.

In either case, your ability to see The Future and its consequences will determine how you choose to ace.

In either case, your attitude about the future depends on our ability to see the future. What do you see in your future?

All things must be finished before they can be started. And, when you see the future make sure your focus is positive.

How come? When we are pre-occupied and filled with regret about the past and concerns about the present, then we subconsciously lead ourselves toward a future that is very much like the past we left behind.

Create a positive vision of the future, start acting on it in the present and you will leave the past where it belongs, behind.

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